Saturday, January 26, 2013

Prions - The Real Zombie Makers

Hank explains prion disease and why eating someone else's brains is probably not a good idea.


  1. kuhcawoloH reteP bocaJ / Jacb...Who is AMAZING!!!January 31, 2013 at 4:18 PM

    Now I understand what they are talking about when a wattress means by mad cow disease. "No beef soup, got mad cow, no soup for you! Very, Very bad, not good!" Those evil prions!

  2. Who came up with the idea of feeding cows cow brains? Its pretty weird how the fore people consumed their dead, i wouldn't fell comfortable making a meal out of someone i once knew

  3. dragonborn (nicolas fenton-vickers)February 13, 2013 at 11:15 AM

    i would eat cow brains if it was good and made the right was

  4. Why....WHY FEED COWS THIER FELLOW COWS BRAINS! Who came up with that idea? Whoever did obviously needed to get another type of job. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy means Cow Spongy-Brain Disease? What the...? We have some pretty wacky scientists. Heres a lesson to us all: Don't eat the brains of anything, even if it isn't a mammal.

  5. i think feeding cows , cows is pretty messed up. but it explains why zombies 'eat brains' anyways

  6. that iss discusting... its like eating your sister or something..
