Monday, December 9, 2013

Math Notes from Dec 9

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Tuesday, December 3, 2013


This is a test

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Monday, December 2, 2013

Science Term 1 Exam

On Wednesday you will be writing your Science Exam. The test will have only one question and you will have the full class to answer it… AND, I am going to give you the question ahead of time so you can study and prepare an answer. We will discuss this more in class on Tuesday.
Your Question:
What is a rainbow and how you can see it?
Be as detailed as possible. You may use pictures and words to show what you know. The following scientific vocabulary words may help in your explanation:

Monday, November 18, 2013

Pythagoras Unit

We are starting a new unit. Please be prepared for class – you will need the following every day, ready to go before the bell to start class rings:

·         Math 8 textbook

·         graph paper

·         lined paper

·         pencil

·         eraser

·         calculator (not a phone or ipod) (you can get one for $1 at Dollarama or the dollar store)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

BC Science 8 Textbook Online

Did you know that you can access the Science textbook online form home? There are lots of other great features as well. The user name and password has been emailed to your school email address.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Math Test on Integers comming up

This Friday  (November 8th) you will have a Test on Integers. This week, you should be studying every night to make sure you are understanding the concepts and are able to do your best on the test. For the test you should be able to :

·         Add and Subtract Integers

·         Multiply and Divide integers

·         Complete a Multi-step Equation using the correct Order of Operations with Integers

·         Explain a “zero pair”

·         Answer Word problems using Integers.


Page 96 in your text explains in more detail what you should know. Page 97 – 99 can be completed at home to study for the test. In class this week Ms. Bains and I will be running tutorials to review all of the concepts listed above.


Quizes moved to Wednesday!

I’m happy to announce that Ms. Bains will be joining us for Period 2 (after nut break) every Tuesday and Thursday. Because of this change, our weekly quiz will be moved to Wednesdays. This week’s quiz will focus on word problems! Review word problems from your text or play the Temperature Forcast game at to prepare.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Should we change to a base 12 system?

Some people feel that we should change the way we write our numbers and use a base 12 system instead of a base 10 system. What do you  think? Would this be a good idea?

Monday, October 21, 2013

Additive vs. subtractive colour mixing

Check out these two online activities to see the differences between additive (light) and subtractive (pigment, such as paint) colour mixing. In class today we were working on two labs working with these colour mixing online apps. If you did not finish, please complete them for homework. The labs are due Wednesday at the start of class.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Math 8 Learning Log

Today we will be starting a new way of tracking your learning in Math. You will get a learning Log which you  will be colour coding based on your understanding of concepts in Math 8 (I will also keep a copy). Every Tuesday you will have a short Quiz that will check your understanding on the topics we are working on in Math.

 The Learning Log looks like this:

Friday, October 11, 2013

Wave Investgation

Today in class we worked on a Lab investigating waves with the use of slinkies. We will have some time in class on Tuesday to finish (about 15 minutes) and it will be due at the end of class.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Wave diagram

Colours are made of light with different wave lengths. Using the app in the right top corner of the blog or go to this link: and see if you can you figure out what colours have short wavelengths and which colours have longer wavelengths. List the colours of the rainbow in order from longest wavelength to shortest wavelength and give an approximate frequency and wavelength for each. We will be charting the data in class.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Integer Extension Project

Some students in class are working on an extension project that uses Scratch, a computer programming language, to create a math game about adding and subtracting integers. Students are using this  game and modifying it to quiz players on adding and subtracting integers. The game they are modifying can be found here:


Open up the game and find the lists (arrays) in the Data folder. Edit the lists to make the questions and answers about integers. Change the graphics and other game components too if you  think you can make it even better!

Homework - Due Wednesday

Page 83 in Math Textbook


#1 a, b, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9 10, 11,


bonus:12, 13


Multiplying Integers

Need an refresher on how to multiply or divide integers? Click here:

Notes on Multiplying and Dividing integers

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Monday, June 3, 2013

How a Microwave Oven Works


Radio Waves

Infrared: More Than Your Eyes Can See

UV Water Treating

I don't think it means what you think it means - RADIATION!

Gamma rays

Crazy X-rays!

X-rays in the Shoe store?

Resources for the Electromagnetic Spectrum

·         NASA: (Great Stuff)

·         How Stuff Works: 

·         PBS Nova: (Launch Interactive – good stuff)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

In theTextbook: Refraction

There is more information about refraction in your textbook. Read pages 174 - 175.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Hints about our next unit

We are about to start a new unit is science and I think we are going to have a BLAST! There will be a lot of hands on activities and and a lot of "doing" and thinkiing. Here are a couple of Videos to give you a little hint about the unit. Leave a comment if you think you know what the unit is about and how all three videos are connected.

Hint 1:

Hint 2: (a little closer to home)
Hint 3: the really cool looking one :)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Test on Friday

Don't forget to study for the test on Friday! It will cover all of chapter 3 as well as  the section on osmosis and difusion from chapter 1.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Prions - The Real Zombie Makers

Hank explains prion disease and why eating someone else's brains is probably not a good idea.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Page 106

Don't forget to finish questions 2 - 6 on page 106 in the textbook. They are due on Tuesday.
Here is the video we watched in class if you would like to see it again (no response to the video is needed, just finish your questions! )

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Top 5 Deadliest Diseases

We had a great time in class tracking down patient zero with the terrible zombie virus. Luckily, we were able to beat down the virus before it took over the whole school

; )

Ever wonder what other deadly viruses are out there? Listen to Hank talk about the 5 deadliest viruses - these are the ones you DON'T want. What do you think???

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Immune System

Go to Brain Pop and watch the Immune system video. You have an extra option for this post. You can choose one of the regular post options you may do the quiz (practice a couple of times and then email to me

invisible cadaver particles

What Do Hand-Washing and Financial Illiteracy Have in Common? A Freakonomics Radio Podcast

Today when you go to the hospital, there are posters everywhere telling everyone how important it is to wash your hands in order to prevent the spreading of pathogens, but it wasn't alsways the case. A Freakonomics podacst tells the story of how a theory of  infection causing "invisible cadiver particles" caused the hospital to begin a practice of hand washing. You can listen to the full podcast (if you want) here:
  (the full podcast is not a required assignment)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Why Garfield is so wrong

I came across a very interesting blog post tonight and thought I would share it. Click on the link below to find out why this poster is so wrong!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Today we  watched the following video in class:

If you did not finish the lab worksheet, please finish it for homework.

Next Class we will have a quiz. Review Chapter 1.3 in the textbook and  practice the test now to make sure you do well in class:

Monday, January 7, 2013


Leave your thoughts on the diffusion video we watched today in class, or do the online test and email the results to Check your school district email for the brianpop password if you have forgotten it.