Thursday, November 15, 2012

For November 16th

Here is another video created by Hank Green that does an excellent job of explaining the circulatory and respiratory system.

Here are a few things to think about:

  • How do the respiratory and circulatory system work together? 
  • Why do we breathe? 
  • What do we need oxygen for?
  • What is the difference between a vein and an artery?
  • How does the diaphragm help us breath?


  1. Replies
    1. We watched this in class and i found it was very interesting and this is alot to remember

    2. i never realized how much work it is to breath, very interesting , i also agree that its alooooooot to remeber.

  2. thats a lot to remember!

  3. Now I know all the names of the parts. Pretty cool how complex we humans are on the inside...

  4. We watched this in class,And I couldnt stand his voice but it was really interestig and hopfully you dont pick another one of him. and justto let you know the one on top of my comment is KOLBY JONES!!!!

    1. I'm sory you don't like his voice, he does talk pretty fast. I think he is quite interesting. Don't worry if you don't remember everything :)

  5. I didnt know it took so much effort for the oxygen and co2 to get in and out of the body. It seems so effortless but its actually a lot of work

  6. i learned tht witout oxygen we die.Our respriatory system brings in oxygen and our circulatory system circulates the body bringing oxygen to all our blood cells and muscles and ect.a vein brings in the blood and the artery brings the blood out

  7. I never thought just to breath it took all that effort in the Resperitory System and on the outside world i dont feel a think. I cant beilieve all the work like when u breath in and the air passes down the esophagos past the larynk and the trachea and to beilieve all the air goes into little branches called the bronchilos and into the lung. Its unbielievable what our body can do

  8. Jacob Peter HOLOWACHUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!November 22, 2012 at 11:30 AM

    Hello fellow citizens of PRMS. I found he did not go over about all the bad things that can happen to your lungs by smoking.

    1. Fellow citizens? Jacob, we don't live here! We attend school here!

  9. we need more trees to live

  10. I dont think that this video is that good because he didnt talk much about things that do bad things to your lungs and blood, AND WHY IS HE ON AGAIN.

  11. Who wouldve thought blood helped out around your body that much. I can't believe how much work it is to breath. its something we do everyday and it never seems that difficult. but now learning more about it i see how complex our respretory and circulitory systems are.

  12. it seems that breathing is a lot of work
